Marit Stockmann

CA03 - Design History Folded Leaflet

It is important to get a good understanding of social and development design disciplines in graphic design history. To illustrate this, you are to create a folded leaflet with a timeline. It will tell the graphic design history story from 1950 to today. The selected periods must be easy to recognize. It should also navigate to more information regarding each period with 2-3 well known graphic designers of that time. It should parallel social events perhaps affecting that chosen time. Your poster can be any size. Create an interesting and unique fold to compliment the info.

All text and content must be self-produced. The target market is Graphic design students. The following styles / periods must be included:
• Pop Art (ca.1950-1970)
• International Typographic Style / Swiss style (ca.1950- late 1960)
• Psychedelic Movement (ca.1960 two mid 1970)
• Graffiti and Street art (ca.1980-)
• New Wave / Punk (ca.1970 two mid 1980

You must include pictures of your final printed leaflet and how it folds. You are allowed to print the leaflet on a smaller scale for presentation purpose.

THE Graphic Design History folded leaflet

The purpose of this folded leaflet is to present five different graphic design periods from 1950 - 2020 on a timeline, along with a selection of some well-known graphic designers from the period, for graphic design students.

The style I have chosen should fit with all five periods that are presented in the folded leaflet. The font selection points to the swiss style with the use of different sans-serif fonts. The color choice was picked from pop art, but with a delicate variation of the color that fit into all periods, and with different levels of transparency, and layer upon layer. Black is used as a background color and works together with all elements. Simple graphic shapes in the form of squares and circles tighten up text and image fields and separate the two information “stories” from each other.

The typography is clear, welcoming, professional, and modern. Selected typography has a great impact on the visual in the leaflet. The picked one for the leaflet is: Biennale, Neue Haas Grotesk, Bebas Neue and Hikou Inline.

When it comes to choosing colors for the design, I wanted the colors, along with the design, to give the folded leaflet a modern, simple, and interesting expression for the target audience, which is graphic design students.

Colors, together with typography, images, and composition, is an important tool for reaching the target group. Consistent use of the color palette not only enhances the expression, but color can also visually gather objects and create a context. In the assignment with the leaflet, I have deliberately used color to separate different periods and the graphic designers who belong to the period, something that visually communicates with the reader, in addition to the images and text.

One page of the leaflet shows the Graphic History on a timeline, and the other page famous Graphic Designers from the different periods. The front of both stories is put together with designs from all periods, this to create an interesting expression, and it is here intended that the information inside the brochure should be presented in a simple and pretty design style.

The leaflet gives a modern impression with delicate appropriate colors, and it will contain relevant and necessary information for the graphic periods and designers it will present. If the reader wants more information, there are QR codes that can be used to access more information.

The pictures below show the finished result of the folded brochure, printed on a plotter. I got it printed in real size where the format is square, 14x14cm, 7-fold and 14 pages. At the company “dPrint” in Spain, where I got the job done, they did not have the option of double-sided printing at wished size, so I had to get two prints, fold both according to the fold marks, put them together back-to-back - and then cut off the printer mark field.

The Graphic Design History folded leaflet :

CA01 - Interactive Website

CA03 - Folded leaflet
CA03 - Folded leaflet

CA03 - Folded leaflet

Click on the button, to have a look at the folded leaflet (pdf):